Company Profile

KIARA & Co Srl is an italian leading company in the field of leather and fabric manufacturing. Its aviation department, KIARA AVIATION relies on a fifteen-year experience of its specialized staff, designing and producing excellent aircraft interiors upholstery, innovative seat dress covers, cushions and other cabin equipment. KIARA AVIATION’s competitive advantage relies on the perfect combination of a hand-made production, high quality design and excellent manufacturing skills. We closely work with airlines, business aviation operators and maintenance centers providing customized solutions for a unique cabin. KIARA AVIATION always proposes cost-effective solutions and it is the right choice for all customers looking for a deep revamping of their fleet’s cabin interiors in the shortest lead-time.


L’azienda fa parte del gruppo di Imprese ospitate all’interno dello stand della Regione Campania e selezionate a seguito di “AVVISO PUBBLICO PER LA PRESENTAZIONE DI MANIFESTAZIONI DI INTERESSE FINALIZZATE ALLA PARTECIPAZIONE COLLETTIVA DI PMI CAMPANE OPERANTI NEI SETTORI AEROSPACE, AUTOMOTIVE, RAIL E NAVAL ALLA FIERA “WORLD METROLOGY DAY EVENT 2024″ – NAPOLI 23-25 MAGGIO 2024”, pubblicato sul BURC n. 33 del 22 aprile 2024.


Scopri come raggiungerci

Città della Scienza – Via Coroglio, 57/104 – 80124  Napoli (NA)